100% Qibla helps you to find where Qibla is from anywhere in the world. The direction of Kaaba in Mecca (Makkah) is pointed out with arrow on the map so that you can adjust your direction before you start your prayer.
<b>✓</b> You do not need internet to see where Qibla is. 100% Qiblah app shows you where Qibla is even in an offline mode with the help of its compass feature.
<b>✓</b> Your direction is located accurately with help of GPS feature in the app.
<b>✓</b> 3 different map modes offers you to see the distance between your location and Kabaa from different angles.
<b>✓</b> You can re-detect you location with “Find my location” feature to be sure about directions.
<b>✓</b> See the distance between you and Qibla from narrow and large scales through using zoom in and zoom out features and Kaaba button.
<b>✓</b> You can re-locate your location with the marker
<b>✓</b> It is also possible for you to share 100% Qibla on Facebook and other social networks with your friends.
<b>★ You need to hold your phone on a flat surface and keep it away from electromagnetic fields and metal objects. If it is necessary, you can re-arrange your location through pressing the marker.</b>
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">100%朝拜帮助您寻找到朝拜是在世界任何地方。天房麦加(麦加)的方向指出了在地图上的箭头,让你开始你的祈祷之前,你可以调整自己的方向。
<b>✓您不需要互联网看到朝拜的。 100%麦加方向的应用程序显示了你在哪里朝拜是即使在离线模式下,它的罗盘功能的帮助。
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